4 Ways to Create Email Marketing Campaigns That Drive Business Growth

Email Marketing

Contrary to popular belief, email marketing is not extinct. Far from it, actually.

Even with the rise of social media platforms and other forms of digital marketing, email remains the method of choice for a lot of people and marketers alike. Ninety-nine percent of consumers use email every day, and the myriad of email lookup services means that email is doing pretty good. Marketing firm emma said that 59% of marketers point to email as their number one source of ROI. According to a study by Emarsys, 81% of businesses say that email drives their customer acquisition, while 80% drives retention. With the number of people using email, it’s not hard to see why marketers prefer it over every other platform.

However, merely creating an email campaign out of thin air and without careful planning won’t bring in or retain customers. You’ll need proper timing, the right message, useful links, and a working contact list for it to work. Your marketing emails have a better shot of being seen, read, and acted on if you follow best practices that help promote engagement across the board.

The Benefits of an Effective Email Marketing Campaign.

Running a well-planned email campaign has plenty of benefits, including less cost and considerable ROI. Let’s take a quick look at some of the stats for using email campaigns:

  • Nearly a third of all customers prefer to receive communication from brands via email over print ads, social media, or any other channel.
  • After viewing an email from a brand, 66% of customers made a purchase.
  • The ROI for email marketing is 4,300%, meaning if every $1 spent can earn you $43.
  • Shoppers spend 138% more on their purchases after reading an email offer.

As you can see, email still rocks in today’s social media-dominated world. Here’s how you can create an email marketing campaign to help grow your business.

Create Great Content

At the core of your email is the message you want to deliver or the actual words you compose to communicate with your customers. However, you can’t just string up a few words together or copy-paste something and call it a day. Writing compelling email copy is an art that not all writers can do, but a gifted wordsmith can pull it off. The key to writing effective email copy is to be helpful, provide value, and be relevant. You need to find out what makes your audience tick, and start creating content to address their most critical needs.

A concise message that contains all the essential information is always better than a rambling, incoherent 1,000-word message. Aim to shorten your copy, and trim it even more before sending it out. Customers get plenty of emails, chat, SMS, and social media posts as it is. If your email is too wordy, there’s a big chance that the recipient will discard it and move on to something better. Choosing the best time to send your email is also vital for maximum exposure. According to a study by CyberCrew, 85% of internet users in the UK actively send and receive emails weekly.

Create a Compelling Call to Action

One of the most critical parts of any email geared for marketing is the call to action or CTA. The CTA is the part that rallies the reader to engage your brand and take the next step. CTAs always start with a command, such as “join, download, click and go,” to name a few. A CTA will look a little something like this:

  • “Download our Free eBook.”
  • “Buy Now.”
  • “Join Within the Next Hour and Get 40% Off.”

A good CTA increases the value of taking the next step, not the action itself, and creates a sense of urgency that gives the target audience a reason to act.  When crafting a CTA, it’s always a good idea to put yourself in your customer’s shoes and think of a problem they may have. Your goal is to solve that problem in the same phrase.

Remember: CTAs may vary, depending on the customer’s needs and wants. It should be concise, clear, and compelling enough that the customer takes the next step.

Increase Optimization by Creating a Landing Page

A carefully designed landing page tells your audience that you mean business. The links in your CTA should take your customers to your landing page once they click on them. A useful landing page should act as an extension of your email because it continues the conversation that started in the inbox and turns it into a conversion.

Here are some tips on how to create a landing page that converts:

  • Your landing page should focus on what your priority goal is, whether it’s a webinar registration, a subscription, or a sale.
  • Optimize your landing page by making it easy to navigate and ensure that your message is clear and simple enough that everyone can understand it. If your goal is to make your audience sign up for a subscription, make it about the sign-up process.
  • Use tracking codes for site analytics that allow you to measure conversions.
  • Use professional landing page tools from marketing solutions like Hubspot, Mailchimp, and others.

Practice Audience Segmentation

Another crucial metric is your click-through rate (CTR). CTR is the ratio of how many people clicked a link in an email versus how many just opened the email. CTR can measure how effective your message is and has a direct correlation to proper audience insight. Knowing how your target market behaves allows you to curate more effective messages that promote higher CTRs.

Tips to Improve Your CTR:

  • First impressions are everything, so create a subject line that guarantees a great first impression.
  • Use dynamic and personalized content for every email you send out, like using first names instead of generic greetings.
  • Conduct email address searches to create more personalized letters, which will help to grow your sales.
  • Segment your audience to optimize performance.
  • Utilize A/B testing to find out which campaigns work best.


People still use and rely on email for a variety of things, making it a valuable way for organizations to reach out to them. Every organization has customers with varying needs or wants, and creating an effective email marketing strategy can produce tangible results. When done correctly, email marketing can promote better customer engagement and spur the growth of your business.

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