6 Ideas for Celebrating Employees’ Birthdays When You All Work Remotely

Happy Birthday candle

Source: pixabay

Birthdays are a special occasion for all of us. Still, with many businesses shifting to remote work due to the pandemic, it may be not easy to recognize your team members’ birthdays appropriately.

Fortunately, you can still do plenty of things to give your employees some extra love on their big day — when you don’t get to see them! From virtual celebrations, surprise gifts, and simple messages of gratitude — we’ve got you covered with six ideas for honoring your team’s birthday milestones even when you’re working apart.

Taking a few moments to show how much you care about each employee, even during these trying times, will help ensure that everyone feels connected and appreciated no matter where they are.

Keep reading as we explore unique ways to make someone’s special day a little bit brighter while also recognizing their hard work and dedication over the past year.


1. Create a Fun Video to Wish Them a Happy Birthday

Whether it’s a compilation of well-wishes from their colleagues or an upbeat play on the classic ‘Happy Birthday’ song, putting together a quick video is a great way to show your employee how much you care. 

Not only will it be fun for them to watch and share with friends and family, but by involving other team members, you’re also allowing them to express their appreciation for your employee’s hard work.

You can create a video easily through free online video-making tools, such as Adobe Spark or Magisto, and share it with your employee on their special day. You can find happy birthday video ideas for inspiration online or even create a funny skit together to make the extra video special for your employee. When creating something meaningful and enjoyable for your employee, the sky’s the limit.



2. Send Them a Surprise Gift Box

Sometimes, nothing says “happy birthday” more than a gift! If you can’t be there in person to give them a present, consider sending them a package. You could include anything from their favorite snacks, an Amazon gift card, or even a new piece of equipment that might make their day-to-day work easier.

Either way, they’re sure to appreciate the thought and effort you put into making them feel special. It’s also great for team morale as it shows every employee your care and appreciation for each individual.

As a leader, this will demonstrate to your team that you’re willing to invest in their happiness and recognize the hard work they put into making your organization great.


3. Host a Virtual Birthday Party

You can organize a virtual party if you’re looking for a more hands-on approach to celebrating your employee’s birthday. You can pick a time and day that works for everyone, then plan some fun activities in which your entire team can participate. Find some virtual happy hour ideas that can boost your team’s productivity while also creating a relaxing ambiance.

From online trivia games to charades or a round of bingo — the possibilities are endless for making your remote birthday party a success.

To add some extra fun, you can set up a virtual photo booth where everyone can take silly photos together and share them with the Birthday person. You could also plan out some themes to make it extra memorable — like Hawaiian luau, 80s retro, or even a pajama party!


4. Give Them a Shout-Out on Social Media

Sometimes, the simplest gestures can make the most significant difference. Show your team that you care by giving them a birthday shout-out on your company’s social media accounts. Not only will it be great for their morale, but they might also get some extra recognition from their family and friends.

Ideally, you should take the time to write an original post detailing why your employee is so unique and expressing your gratitude for all their hard work during the past year. Don’t forget to tag them in the post — it will make it extra special for them when they get a notification on their birthday!


5. Have a Virtual Cake Cutting Ceremony

The best way to put the icing on your employee’s special day is with a virtual cake-cutting ceremony. Ask everyone on the team to make their cakes (or cupcakes!) at home and then get together virtually for a video call.

Having everyone together can improve employee morale and make them feel like part of a bigger group — even if it’s not physically.

Each person can show off their creations. Then you can have a round of applause for the birthday person and even invite them to cut the first slice. To make it extra special, you could include virtual confetti or balloons in the background — or even get creative with fun cake-cutting games!



6. Collaborate on a Playlist

Music has the power to bring people together, and it can be a perfect way to celebrate a birthday. Ask your team members to contribute their favorite songs and create a collaborative playlist that you can share with the birthday person.

You can then organize a virtual jam session for everyone to listen in on together or even have some karaoke fun with the playlist. This is also a great way to get your team into the spirit of the celebration — plus, it’s something that your employee can enjoy long after their birthday.

No matter how you decide to celebrate your employee’s special day, these ideas are sure to make them feel appreciated and valued for all their hard work. And who knows — maybe you’ll even start a tradition in your office that everyone looks forward to each year.

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