7 Challenges of Working From Home and How to Overcome Them

working remotely / working from home

Remote work has been a thing for a while, but ever since the pandemic started, many had no choice but to change their setup.

Some people had no problems readjusting. In fact, they embraced the idea because it came with certain benefits, such as not needing to commute and getting to spend more time with family.

Of course, what works for some does not work for others. A fair few people struggled with the transition. 

Now, the pandemic is no more, and many employers have decided to continue operating remotely. In fact, according to Intuition, the number is roughly 50%. 

And then there are those companies that have a mixed model. Part of the workforce is in-house, while another part is working from home.

If you fall into the latter category, it might not be as easy as you expect. There are certain challenges of working from home, which we will cover in this article while also focusing on ways to overcome the difficulties.


The Challenge of Managing Time

Let’s start with time management. At first glance, it might seem that working remotely gives you more leeway.

However, the reality is a bit different. Once you settle in, you will find that there are multiple distractions getting in the way.

You might have unfinished laundry, a book that you have to return to a library, or grocery shopping that you need to take care of. 

If there are no strict boundaries from the employer for when you should be working, the temptation to take some time to take care of work-unrelated tasks will bug you.

Besides various household chores, it is easy to get distracted by time wasters like social media, TV, YouTube, and so on. 

Potential solutions:

Poor time management is a hindrance to your work. You have to set boundaries and keep track of everything you do. 

As soon as you notice a distraction, identify it and add it to the list of things you have to avoid.

Get a time-tracking app as well to keep tabs on how much time you spend on different activities. It will help you create a schedule and stick to it.



The Challenge of Desk-Bound Lifestyle

Bad habits are easy to slip into when you spend most of your time glued to a desk, especially when your pastimes include gaming and watching movies or TV shows.

As time passes, it will get harder and harder to break out of a sedentary lifestyle. Once you notice that you are losing control, do not hesitate and take action.

Potential solutions:

Becoming more active does not require a gym membership and committing yourself to working out multiple times a week (though it is an excellent piece of advice).

No, small activities like going out for a walk are enough to make a difference. For instance, if you have a dog, you have an excuse to go outside multiple times throughout the day.

Sleep is another key factor to consider. You might be tempted to sleep in whenever possible, but it is another sign of you becoming lazy. 

Thus, establish a proper sleep schedule by going to bed early and waking up at a reasonable hour. This way, you are less likely to feel tired during the day.


The Challenge of Advancing Your Career

Not everyone has the ambition to advance their career if the current arrangement is enough. Nevertheless, the mindset can change, and you are likely to find yourself in an awkward position.

It is no secret that those working from home are not as visible. CNBC published a study that revealed how 56% of workers believe that remote peers have worse odds of career growth compared to those who are present in person.

Add the fact that many executives also lack the experience of managing remote workers and believe that those who work from home are putting in less effort, and you have a few things going against you.

Potential solutions:

If you want to move up the ladder, it is all about getting yourself noticed. Be proactive and get yourself out there.

Communicate with others and look for opportunities to take on new projects within the company. Perhaps they are looking for someone to oversee a new training program or onboard new employees.

Talk to your manager as well. They will not know about your plans unless you explain the goals and expectations.


The Challenge of Overcoming Technical Issues

Technical issues are a burden even for tech-savvy people. From annoying spinning wheels and blue screens to random crashes and poor Wi-Fi, big or small, these difficulties hinder your productivity.

Working in an office usually means having a dedicated IT team that comes in and takes care of everything for you.

Unfortunately, the same cannot be said when you are at home.

Potential solutions:

Solutions vary depending on the severity of the issue. In some cases, looking up a solution online is enough to solve the problem. For example, if you have smartphone-related woes, the Backlight blog has plenty of useful tips.

On the other hand, if the problem is too technical, you will have no choice but to seek professional help from a local repair shop or by having someone from the company come in for a scheduled appointment.



The Challenge of Communicating

Communication is one of those challenges of working from home that occurs due to different reasons.

For one, you might be joining a team that has been working for a while and have clearly established and defined dynamics. Fitting in as an outsider could prove a significant challenge.

Not being there in person is a hindrance since you cannot really get the feel of what everyone is like, and that applies to both higher-ups and peers.

Cultural differences play a prominent role as well. If you work for an international company, it can be difficult to approach someone, even if the conversation is online rather than in person.

Finally, when you have to communicate using online channels, it is easier to miss something or misunderstand a word, which can lead to trouble later on.

Potential solutions:

To minimize mistakes, it is necessary to be cautious about how you talk to different people. 

Video calls should be encouraged since they create a stronger bond between the participants. 

Follow-ups for the sake of clarity should also be part of your routine. Whether it is an email or a direct message on Slack, double-checking is a smart thing to do.


The Challenge of Struggling With Loneliness

As previously mentioned, remote work was a thing before the pandemic, and Lynn Holdsworth carried out research about how remote workers feel compared to those working in an office. 

According to the research, the loneliness of remote workers increased by 67%, which is a significant number. 

It is safe to say that the percentage is similar post-pandemic. Workers who feel isolated and lonely are more prone to mistakes and reduced productivity.

Potential solutions:

If you cannot really interact with coworkers, seek opportunities to socialize outside of work. Or, talk to coworkers after work when both you and they have the time for it. 

Another method is to go to co-working spaces, such as cafes and libraries. Surrounding yourself with others will remove that feeling of isolation.

Upper management should take the initiative to reduce loneliness as well. They could organize various activities that include remote workers. These activities could range from trivia games and book clubs to birthday celebrations and virtual workout sessions.


The Challenge of Separating Life From Work

The last challenge is unplugging after work. If you are stuck in front of a computer screen with nobody to talk to, overworking could become a real issue.

In severe cases, employees suffer from impostor syndrome, thinking that they are not good enough or that they are not working enough because supervisors cannot check in on them in person.

The sense of guilt drives one to think about work even after they are done for the day. Those who commute from work have some downtime to detach themselves from the job. 

Meanwhile, remote workers stand up and go to another room (some do not even do that), so it is natural that they struggle.

Potential solutions:

There is no be-all and end-all solution to forgetting about work. Different methods work for different people. It is up to you to find an effective solution.

A common denominator would probably be leaving the environment. Going out and staying as far away as possible, even if it is only for a little bit, can do wonders.

In the worst-case scenario, if you are stuck inside due to bad weather and other circumstances, you can still seek escape in the form of video games, movies, TV shows, or books.



Closing Thoughts

To sum it all up, it is pretty that challenges of working from home pose a big problem for those who pick this job model.

Nevertheless, most challenges are possible to overcome. Not to mention that the job market will move forward and come up with new solutions, especially now that remote work is becoming more and more popular. 

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