7 Proven Strategies to Improve Business Productivity

business productivity

Improving efficiency and productivity is a necessity for businesses. Accomplishing more with the same resources enables your organization to gain an edge over its competitors and keep up with the fast-paced global business environment. At the same time, it also ensures that your enterprise remains agile, innovative, and responsive to market demands. Here are some of the proven strategies that businesses like yours can employ to boost productivity and thrive in the marketplace. 



Leverage Modern Technology 

The digital age presents your business with opportunities to use tools and technologies that are specifically designed to improve productivity. It’s in your organization’s best interest to utilize digital devices and systems so you can do more with equal or even less resources. If you have a physical store, for instance, you can use a portable point-of-sale (POS) device such as the Maya Terminal so you can quickly and accurately process purchases. The Maya POS terminal is able to process credit and debit cards, QR Ph codes, and e-wallet payments, allowing your store to cater to different customer payment preferences. Best of all, the Maya Terminal price is quite accessible, especially for small businesses in the Philippines.  

Aside from POS terminals, modern businesses can utilize customer relationship management (CRM) tools, enterprise resource planning (ERP) software, and other solutions to streamline workflow and save time. Cloud-based CRM systems, for one, enable your sales and marketing teams to access and update customer data from anywhere, enhancing collaboration and customer relationship management. ERPs, on the other hand, can be used to oversee functions that are critical to the operations of your organization. Embracing these technologies not only saves time but also enhances process accuracy and operational efficiency. 


Manage Time Effectively 

Effective time management is a crucial step in improving business productivity. You can make the most of your day by prioritizing tasks, setting deadlines, minimizing distractions, and using time management techniques. Empowering your employees to adopt similar strategies can significantly impact how efficiently your business operates.  

By being able to identify and set priorities, employees can ensure that their time and energy are dedicated to high-value work. Meanwhile, determining realistic deadlines can help them sharpen their sense of urgency and prevent procrastination. Minimizing distractions in their physical and digital environments through the use of do-not-disturb flags, for example, makes it easier for them to focus on the task at hand. Your business can offer employees access to time management tools such as Pomodoro timers, digital calendars, and Luxafor’s availability lights and buttons to help them structure work in manageable segments.  


Set Goals and Performance Metrics 

When employees have well-defined objectives and performance metrics, they understand what is expected of them, which leads to a more focused and purpose-driven workforce. For example, setting KPIs for a sales team can motivate them to achieve higher sales figures, and for customer support teams, it can lead to improved response times and customer satisfaction. Regularly reviewing progress and providing feedback helps employees stay on track and adjust their efforts as needed. This goal-oriented approach ensures that individual and team efforts are aligned with the organization’s objectives and can contribute to achieving business goals.  



Train and Develop Employees 

Employees have an important role in boosting the productivity of the organizations to which they belong. It makes sense to invest in employee training and development considering their contribution to the growth and advancement of your company. Well-trained and skilled employees can perform their roles efficiently, work toward reducing errors and inefficiencies, and submit higher-quality work. This can lead to a smoother workflow, faster project completion, and higher customer satisfaction.  

Let’s say that your business operates globally and offers customer support services. Providing your support team with comprehensive training ensures that its members are well-equipped to promptly and accurately address customer inquiries from different markets. As a result, your customers receive better service, leading to increased satisfaction and repeat business. Moreover, a well-trained workforce can adapt more quickly to changes and innovate in their roles—capabilities that are essential in the ever-evolving global business landscape. 


Establish Clear Communication Lines 

Clear and effective communication is a cornerstone of productivity, especially for international teams and businesses. Ensuring that information flows freely within the organization, on top of making it easy for teams to work together, fosters a collaborative and efficient work environment. Even if your employees are in different locations or time zones, it’s still possible for them to communicate in real time, share files, and collaborate on projects seamlessly if they have access to reliable communication tools and shared digital working environments. This means that your team members can work cohesively, avoid misunderstandings, and ultimately maximize the organization’s productivity. 


Promote Employee Well-Being 

Supporting a healthy work-life balance, offering wellness programs, and addressing stress management can lead to happier and more engaged employees. When employees are well-rested and feel physically and mentally healthy, they can perform at their best during working hours. You can look after your employees by encouraging them to take breaks and providing flexible work arrangements, both of which can improve morale and reduce burnout. A well-balanced and motivated workforce will be more productive and more capable of contributing to the success of your business. 



Aim for Continuous Improvement 

Fostering a culture of continuous improvement is key to driving productivity in a global organization. Encouraging employees to identify and address inefficiencies and suggest enhancements to existing processes is a strategic approach to achieving long-term growth. For example, by adopting feedback mechanisms, you allow employees to voice their ideas for process improvement. By involving your workforce in this endeavor, you can tap into their firsthand knowledge of operations and gain valuable insights that can lead to process optimization and increased productivity.  

The pursuit of productivity isn’t merely a short-term goal for successful businesses. Rather, it’s a compass that guides emerging organizations on the path to sustainable growth. By using the above-mentioned strategies, you can set your team on a trajectory that ensures long-term growth. 

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