5 Reasons Your Company Should Launch a Hackathon

Hosting a hackathon is a great way to get your employees’ creative juices flowing and allow them to work together as a team. This article details how you can host your own hackathon in your company and the benefits that come with it!


What is a hackathon?

A hackathon is an event, typically lasting several days, in which a large number of people (usually software developers) work together to create new software or hardware. It is often used to develop new ideas for products or services, or to solve specific problems.

There are many different types of hackathons, but they all share a few common features. First, they typically have a specific focus or theme. For example, a hackathon might be focused on developing new ways to use data, or on creating new applications for a particular platform. Second, they usually involve some form of competition, with prizes awarded to the best hacks. Finally, they typically involve working in teams, though there may also be individual categories.

Some hackathons are organized by companies as a way to encourage creativity and innovation among their employees. Other hackathons are open to the public and may be organized around a particular theme or problem.


5 Benefits of launching your own hackathon

When it comes to hosting a hackathon, there are many benefits that your company can reap.

1- Holding hackathons can help to promote creativity and collaboration within your team.

2- They allow you to identify potential new talent.

3- Hackathons help build relationships with other companies and organizations.

4- They can help to boost morale and improve company culture.

5- Successful hackathons can result in some amazing new products or services being created – which can ultimately lead to increased revenue for your business.

What are the steps to launch a successful hackathon?

1. Planning and Preparation: The first step to launching a successful hackathon is planning and preparation. This includes choosing a date, venue, and format that will work for your company. You’ll also need to gather a team of organizers who are passionate about the event.

2. Marketing and Outreach: Once you have the basics in place, it’s time to start marketing and outreach. This involves creating a website or landing page for the event, as well as promoting it through social media and other channels. You’ll want to reach out to potential participants and get them excited about the event.

3. Hackathon Day: On the day of the hackathon, things will move quickly! Make sure you have everything organized so that the event runs smoothly. provide food and drinks for participants, as well as prizes for the winning team. Most importantly, create an environment that is conducive to creativity and collaboration.

4. Post-Hackathon: After, it’s important to follow up with participants and collect feedback. This will help you improve future events. You should also announce the winners of the event and thank everyone who took part.

Moreover, companies can make use of Potential.com’s platform to launch their innovation hackathon progran and generate value-driving ideas by bringing out the competitive spirit of their internal or external stakeholders.

Set up your custom Hackathon platform in 2 simple steps.


Examples of past successful hackathons

1. One of the most famous hackathons is Google Code-in, which is a global program for pre-university students aged 13-17 to contribute to open-source projects. In 2019, there were 3,566 students from 76 countries who completed over 20,840 tasks for 29 open-source organizations.

2. Another notable hackathon is Facebook’s Hackathon, which happens every year and brings together the best engineers and designers from all over the world to work on cutting-edge projects. In 2018, over 1,800 people participated in the hackathon and built more than 700 new products and features.

3. Microsoft also hosts an annual Hackathon event called Imagine Cup, which is a global competition that challenges students to come up with innovative solutions to real-world problems. In 2018, more than 3,700 students from 107 countries participated in the competition.


If your company is on the fence about launching a hackathon, I hope this article has provided some compelling reasons why you should go for it. By organizing a hackathon, you can encourage creativity and innovation within your company, help employees develop new skills, and build team morale. Not to mention, it’s just plain fun! So what are you waiting for?

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