Empowerment Programs’ Highlights by Potential.com

Potential.com - Empowerment

Founded in 2005, Potential.com began life as a coaching and training consultancy, helping leading international organizations to maximize performance, meet critical business challenges, and position themselves for long-term success.

Realizing the potential of learning on the internet, Potential.com quickly evolved to become a pioneer in educational technology and a leading destination for online learning across emerging markets launching thousands of empowerment programs in the whole world.

At Potential.com, we develop innovative learning solutions to fuel the world’s ambition. By merging education and technology, we empower millions of professionals, entrepreneurs, and organizations from around the world to perform at their very best.

Empowerment Programs by Potential.com

SME Empowerment Program

SME Empowerment Program - Powered by Potential

More than 90% of global businesses are small or micro, but less than half of small business are online. SMEEP aims to positively change this via its free program that guides start-ups and small and medium businesses through a step-by-step process to digitize their business. Core program aspects include learning, planning, and implementing the digitization plan.

Initially launched in 2010 as a response to the financial crises, SMEEP reached over 300,000 SME’s across the globe, empowering them to evolve their businesses and succeed. So far, in 2021, more than 6000 startups and SMEs have registered and benefited from the program.

We now have committed to an even bigger goal in the coming year.

SMEEP is now open to all entrepreneurs, business owners, business leaders, and any top-level managers in start-ups and small and medium businesses.

Some key values and attributes that the program participants exude:

  • Innovative
  • Forward-thinking
  • Solution-based
  • Action-oriented
  • Self-starters
  • Disciplined

Program’s website: www.potential.com/sme

Program’s regional partners: Aramex, Amazon Web Services (AWS), CISCO, Schneider Electric, and World Free Zones Organization.

Some community partners: Beirut Digital District, Leancubator, LIT Creative Agency, Businessita Women Empowerment, and many others.

Tatawwar – Building Tomorrow’s Minds

Tatawwar logo

Tatawwar programme

Tatawwar, meaning ‘to develop’ in Arabic, is an exciting, interactive education program designed by Potential.com, in partnership with HSBC, now in its fourth year.

It brings together students, schools, parents and the business community to help innovate for a shared future. It gives 15-18-year-olds across the MENA region the chance to practice important business skills, understand sustainable commitments, and connect with some extraordinary professionals along the way.

This program marks the first step into a sustainable future for participants, with Tatawwar building the skills needed for further education and employment, while promoting understanding of the UN Sustainability Goals and their impact on communities.

The core program objective is to support 5,000 students per cohort take charge of their learning to develop and apply the following skills:

  • Sustainability: Building awareness around SDGs, with a focus on climate action, water scarcity and health and wellbeing issues.
  • Innovation development: Problem solving, critical thinking and product development (Software and Hardware)
  • Business skills: Business model development, financial literacy and presentation / pitching

To ensure the sustainability of the program, our aim is to engage the stakeholders around the youth in target markets. This includes:

  • Engaging the Ministries of Education and Ministries of Youth in our target markets so that the program is aligned to their activities
  • Engaging the Fabrication Labs and Maker Spaces in key cities to help students develop their prototypes
  • Engaging the general public including parents, teachers, volunteers and other stakeholders

Program’s website: www.tatawwar.com

Unified Champion Schools – Special Olympics UAE

Unified Champion Schools by Special Olympics UAE


The Special Olympics Unified Champion Schools is a program that is aimed at promoting social inclusion through intentionally planned and implemented activities affecting systems-wide change. With sports as the foundation, the three component model offers a unique combination of effective activities that equip young people with tools and training to create sports, classroom and school climates of acceptance. These are school climates where students with special needs feel welcomed and are routinely included in, and feel a part of, all activities, opportunities and functions.

This is accomplished by implementing inclusive sports, inclusive youth leadership opportunities, and whole school engagement. The program is designed to be woven into the fabric of the school, enhancing current efforts and providing rich opportunities that lead to meaningful change in creating a socially inclusive school that supports and engages all learners. What a Unified Champion School “looks like” can vary greatly from school to school, based on the needs, goals, schedules and other factors unique to each school; but the basic building blocks remain the same.

Program’s website: https://competitions.potential.com/unified-champion-schools/

Non-Financial Services – Emirates Development Bank


Business Lab - Non-Financial Services

Non-Financial Services from EDB will continue the bank’s role in developing the SME sector in the UAE given its importance to the country.

Emirates Development Bank launched an online empowerment platform. The platform will provide Free essential resources and content to help entrepreneurs at various stages of their business development.

Powered by Potential.com, the online platform will provide, EDB’s website visitors as well as the general public, access to business courses, templates and professional video content curated for:

  • Entrepreneurs with an idea they want to turn it into a viable business
  • Startups that have established their business and are looking to scale up & expand
  • Existing business owners that want to expand their SME business

These business courses will cover topics such as Strategy, Innovation, Sales, Marketing, and Accounting. Entrepreneurs will get practical professional tips on how to address common business challenges delivered through short videos that are curated for the UAE market needs

Program’s website: https://nfs.edb.gov.ae/

Maliyat Program – Bank Muscat

Maliyat Program by Bank Muscat

In line with its vision “To serve you better, everyday” and Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives, Bank Muscat has proudly launched, ‘Maliyat’, an online Financial Literacy Program. This program aims to equip participants with essential skills they need to better manage their finances and take prudent decisions, especially the youth and students when graduating and taking up jobs as financially independent individuals. By empowering the youth and other participants with financial skills, Maliyat will contribute to the development and progress of Oman and its citizens.

The program content is well-structured to cater to the needs of all age-groups. The key aspects of the training include defining personal financial goals and planning to achieve the goals.

Financial Literacy is more important in today’s dynamic economic environment than ever before. It is an essential element in constructing a solid foundation for future economic growth and prosperity not only for our nations but also for all our citizens and residents.

Program’s website: https://maliyatbankmuscat.com/

Hadafi Women Entrepreneurship Program – Season 2018

Hadafi Women Entrepreneurship Program

Hadafi, the free women entrepreneurship program, is an empowerment program that aims to empower women across the MENA region by providing better access to entrepreneurial resources, training, finance, media coverage and support for women who want to start up or have started up their business in the past 2 years.

History: Launched in 2013 in Saudi Arabia, Hadafi has been supporting more than 100,000 women across the Middle East and North Africa. The program has been providing participants with firsthand experience from successful entrepreneurs in order to help turn their passion into a real business.

*Winners of the Hadafi Women Entrepreneurship Program – Season 2018 will be announced in February 2019

Program’s website: https://competitions.potential.com/hadafi/

Art Of Zayed

Art Of Zayed By Pepsico

In line with the Year of Zayed, PepsiCo is officially contributing to the celebration of the life, legacy, and values of an inspirational world leader, the late Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan, founder of the United Arab Emirates. PepsiCo aspires to commemorate his life’s achievements and commitment to the nation while encouraging future generations to honor his legacy and fulfill his vision of prosperity, tolerance, and peace.

Through Art of Zayed empowerment program, PepsiCo aims to bring together all of the UAE’s artists, musicians, and poets to commemorate the values of the Year of Zayed through their work.

Our objectives are to educate, raise awareness, and honor the life and achievements of the late Sheikh Zayed and to reinforce his status as an eternal source of national pride and a powerful symbol of the UAE.

The themes of the Year of Zayed include the following values;

  • Wisdom: seen in his vision for the UAE, and his achievements, words, and foresight.
  • Respect: conveyed in his respect for all people regardless of their nationality, gender, status or religion.
  • Sustainability: projected in his understanding of the natural environment and commitment to sustainability that has shaped the positive and constructive approach of the UAE to meet the world’s greatest environmental challenges.
  • Human Development: shown in Sheikh Zayed’s beliefs of investing in people’s welfare, building their knowledge, and enhancing their capabilities through financial aid or in-kind assistance to improve human development around the world.

Participants’ artwork, music or poetry must reflect the above values.

The top 10 finalists will showcase their artwork, music or poetry at the Art of Zayed Awards Ceremony. The best 3 will win AED 10,000 each in cash prize and receive the following benefits:

  • Anghami will feature the winners in Music and Poetry on their platform.
  • The Dukkan Show will promote all 3 winners and feature the music and poetry submissions as part of their episode mix on the platform.
  • Fujairah Fine Arts Academy will feature the winners of the art and music categories by hosting their pieces at the academy and providing the musician a free music course.

Cartier Women’s Initiative Awards

Cartier Women Initiative

Another empowerment program, The Cartier Women’s Initiative Awards; an international business plan competition created in 2006 to identify, support and encourage projects by women entrepreneurs. The Cartier Women’s Initiative Awards aim to encourage inspirational women entrepreneurs worldwide to solve contemporary global challenges by:

  • supporting and recognizing creative women who are making concrete contributions to finding solutions for the future of our planet
  • bringing these business solutions to the largest audience possible.

Since their inception in 2006, they have accompanied 180 promising female business-owners and recognized 64 laureates.


The 21 finalists, representing the top 3 projects from each of the 7 regions, will receive:

  • One-to-one personalized business coaching prior to the Awards week
  • Series of entrepreneurship workshops, knowledge sessions, and networking events during the Awards week
  • Media visibility
  • A scholarship to attend the INSEAD Social Entrepreneurship 6-Day Executive Programme (provided the business meets INSEAD’s eligibility criteria)
  • Networking opportunities through the Cartier Awards community


First prize for the 7 laureates:

    • US$ 100 000 in prize money
    • One-to-one personalized business mentoring

Second prize for the remaining 14 finalists:

    • US$ 30 000 in prize money

*Winners of the Cartier Women’s Initiative Awards will be announced in February 2019

TIP Healthcare Awards

TIP Healthcare UAE

In line with the UAE Vision, Innovation Strategy and the Abu Dhabi Economic Vision 2030, healthcare is identified as one of the key strategic pillars. With a VISION to position Abu Dhabi as a center of excellence and innovation in Healthcare. Department of Health, Abu Dhabi, announces TIP Healthcare Awards an empowerment program through the TIP (Technology Innovation Pioneers) Platform initiated by the Ministry of Economy and Department of Economic Development Abu Dhabi.

The TIP Healthcare Awards objective is to establish a sustainable world-class platform to encourage quality and competitive, healthcare innovation, on a global scale; by attracting innovators and entrepreneurs from all over the world and to stimulate innovation across a wide healthcare spectrum.

The Awards, hosted under TIP (Technology Innovation Pioneer) movement, is a vehicle which will undoubtedly boost innovation across industries, help spark creativity in science and technology amongst generations, and contribute to our vision of a “Healthier Abu Dhabi”.

The Department of Health Mission is; Bringing together global leaders and entrepreneurs in healthcare’s innovation, technology, and research to shape the future of the world’s health practice. It will activate a research network across the nation, that will position Abu Dhabi as a world-class hub for innovation in healthcare and life science, backed with attracting the most talented experts from all over the world. Some of the current topics faced today, in line with our current focus on Non-Communicable Diseases.

Entaliq in KSA

Entaliq in KSA

Entaliq in KSA empowerment program was launched in September 2016 by Airbus, the world’s leading aircraft manufacturer in partnership with TAQNIA Aeronautics and Saudi Arabian Airlines. The incubation program falls in line with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s ambitious ‘Vision 2030’ innovation strategy, promoting the sustainable future growth of the Kingdom’s aviation industry by cultivating and accelerating innovation in the Middle East’s aerospace sector.

As a leader in STEM innovation, Airbus has built a strong network in the Kingdom which includes organizations, like TAQNIA and Saudia Airlines, that pride themselves on the promotion of technology and knowledge sharing. Airbus continues to pioneer more STEM-related partnerships designed to drive the future growth and sustainability of national and global standards in the aviation industry.

The inaugural 2016 cycle of Entaliq with Airbus attracted more than 1,000 Saudi applicants, over 70 unique project idea submissions, and concluded with an awards ceremony that presented the opportunity for the top 20 participants to be recognized for their creative and innovative projects. Providing a platform for knowledge transfer and inspiration, Entaliq in KSA supports the development of innovators and entrepreneurs across various science and aviation technology disciplines, highlighting their achievements across the globe.

The winners of the Entaliq in KSA challenge have the potential to be coached by experts, mentored by aerospace industry veterans, and trained on how to develop realistic business plans. Presenting these plans to a judging panel of industry professionals provides young passionate Saudis with the possibility of incubating their projects and turning their ideas into reality.

African Women Leadership Fund

African Women Leadership Fund

The Economic Commission for Africa its partners, through the African Women Leadership Fund, aim to create a sustainable platform to accelerate the growth of women-owned and operated companies across Africa, as captains of industry in the startup space and also create a framework for supporting microenterprise.

The African Women Leadership Fund will work with and support women-owned and run fund management companies, as well as women-focused impact funds. To do this, the Fund will raise investment and technical assistance capital and build a platform to identify, mentor, support, and invest in women entrepreneurs at scale.

In this online empowerment platform, we are aiming to identify talented aspiring women fund managers who could lead these investments. Register in the program to learn more.


New empowerment programs empowered by Potential.com and mainly targeting entrepreneurs, Startups, and SMEs will be launched every year. Be ready to reach your potential and entrepreneurial success through our Real World Education.

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