Importance and Benefits of Health Programs in your Workplace

importance of health programs at workspace

Adopting a health program in the workplace is not only beneficial for employees, but also for the employer.  The program creates a more dynamic, effective and efficient working culture and environment. Individuals spend more than 50% of their time at the workplace and therefore delivering a wellness program in the workplace is important as it promotes positive behavioral patterns, improves dietary habits, reduces absenteeism levels and helps to improve the overall productivity.

Poor health habits create unhealthy individuals, which in turn impacts negatively on the workplace. A workplace health program integrating nutrition, physical activity and mental wellness has yielded effective results in reducing stress levels. Also it has helped in combating back pain, limiting sedentary behaviour, preventing overweight/obesity, reducing chronic diseases (i.e. heart disease, stroke, hypertension, diabetes, depression, cholesterol) increasing productivity, enhancing satisfaction and employee morale, improving corporate image, reducing absenteeism levels and workplace health costs.

Benefits of Implementing a Health Program in your Workplace:

  • Stronger employee-employee and employee-employer relationships

    A health program helps build, maintain and strengthen the relationship between coworkers and supervisors and allows employees to feel appreciated and cared about. This, in turn, impacts positively on job satisfaction and employee morale. An environment in which co-workers are social and supportive further influences a healthier, happier and more dynamic workplace ambiance.

  • Lower levels of absenteeism, better cognitive performance, and reduced stress

    There is no coincidence in that eating well, being physically active and feeling happy enhances the employee’s work output. Employees are the most important assets of a company and therefore they should be prioritized as one. By replacing the typical sedentary behavior of deskbound work with alternative options, incorporating wellness activities and educating good eating habits reduces the numbers of work days missed, increases employee morale and job satisfaction, lowers levels of stress and depression, improves worker efficiency as well as boosts and inspires one’s mood and motivation.

  • Creates a dynamic corporate image and greater staff retention

    Collaboration with local recreational/fitness facilities, food services, and the immediate community enhances the company’s image. Additionally, a health program increases the company’s visibility and creates a dynamic profile, therefore attracting high-quality employees as well as improving staff retention and increased the incentive to work more efficiently and effectively.

  • Improves quality of life and sense of well-being

    Adopting a workplace health program promotes a smoke-free environment, positively improves weight status, helps minimize back and ache problems. It improves sleeping patterns and further allows the employee to return home in a positive state. Consuming higher intakes of fruits and vegetables, adopting active and relaxing workplace methods makes you feel energize. Fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants, essential vitamins and minerals, and fiber, which in turn positively stimulate alertness and productivity and improves quality of life overall.

  • Reduces risk factors for diseases and illnesses

    When you are eating the right foods, have a healthy weight status and physically active the risks for illnesses decline substantially. Lower salt, sugar and fat intake and higher intake of whole-grains, fiber, fruits and vegetables help reduce risk factors for hypertension, cholesterol, heart-related diseases and overweight/obesity. Furthermore, a workplace health program allows employees to bounce back from illnesses and injuries quicker when they do occur.

Implementing a workplace health program creates a strategic advantage for your business. It has many benefits for both the employer and employee. Promoting and protecting the wellness of your employees allows a business to be more productive and reduce rates of absenteeism. A fun, interactive and healthy work environment promotes long-lasting positive attitudes and behaviors.  This enhances their commitment to their work output and work environment. A healthier workforce creates happier, satisfied and more efficient employees.  Putting in place a workplace wellness program is a complete win-win situation.

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