A happy, healthy workplace fosters better productivity. After all, happy employees are productive employees. Right? However, the question is–how do you define what comes under positive employee morale? Well, having an Employee Assistance Program(EAP) is one of the important ways to make your employees feel cared for. If an employee feels cared for, it automatically […]
5 Reasons Why Cookies Regulation Is Important For Privacy Protection
Image Source: Unsplash Regulating Cookies To Ensure Secure Surfing Pardon my sweet tooth, we are going to talk about cookies and their regulations. Cookies know a lot. They are that ‘fly on the wall’ watching all your moves online. They observe, record, store, and report, but only if you consent. You have the right to […]
CPA or CMA? Which Accounting Certification Has the Greatest Growth Potential
Image Source: Unsplash A certified public accountant (CPA) and a certified management accountant (CMA) are two very popular accounting certifications. In the past, accountants and business owners used to favor the CPA certification. Now, CMAs are cropping up to offer more specific, specialized services. The differences between a CPA and CMA certification may not be […]
Launch your Environmental initiative in a few steps
As part of your ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) commitments and as World Environmental Day is approaching, it’s a good time to launch your community initiative Article summary All businesses need to support the environment and our planet Stakeholder engagement through a digital platform would allow impact measurement Align your environment initiative with the UN SDGs […]
Remote Employee Experience: The Best Tips For HRs (2022)
Image Source: unsplash With remote work coming to the forefront of society since COVID 19 became a global pandemic, it’s safe to say remote work is here to stay. While it may have been initially seen as a temporary measure, more and more companies are offering hybrid work options as well as fully remote jobs. […]
How to Build a High Performance Team?
Image Source: unsplash 39% of employees feel that their workplace is not collaborative enough, and that’s a demotivating factor for most. You cannot build a high performance team without communication and collaboration. However, that’s not the only thing that goes into the making of a high-performance team — there are several other factors. One of […]
Student Loan Repayment Assistance: A Win-Win for Employers and Employees
Image Source: Pixabay What if your boss was to make you a once-in-a-lifetime deal? “Work for me and I’ll help take care of your debt.” Oh come on – there’s no way any boss is going to make a Daddy Warbucks offer like that! Don’t be so sure. In fact, one of the most interesting […]
7 Things to Consider Before Accepting an Offer to Relocate for Work
Today’s business sector works at a global level, where events on one side of the world influence the economy and social stability on the other side. So, it’s not uncommon to see companies change their location in search of a friendlier environment (both financially and from a perspective of talent). Plus, due to recent technological […]
How to Pass Your CPA Exam, Plus What to Look for in a CPA Prep Course
Image Source: Pexels Certified Public Accountants (CPA) are sought after in the finance industry, but fewer than 50% of US accountants can actually call themselves CPA. It isn’t because accountants aren’t interested in becoming certified; quite the opposite. The biggest hurdle is the test. It’s estimated that the pass rate for the 2021 CPA exam […]
What Will You Learn From a Management Information Systems Degree?
Image source: Pexels In today’s world, more and more businesses depend on technology to run their day-to-day operations. A Degree in Management information systems (MIS) helps solve problems at the intersection of technology and business. Students with a degree in MIS learn about technology as it applies to business while focusing on up-to-date practices and […]