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Our Platform In Action

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Tatawwar: Building Tomorrow’s Minds

Innovation & social entrepreneurship program enabled by the innovation and empowerment platform.

Tatawwar, meaning “To Develop” in Arabic, is an exciting programme that brings together students, teachers, parents, schools, governments and the business community to help innovate for a shared future addressing 3 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

The Entrepreneurial Nation

Entrepreneurship Empowerment program enabled by the innovation and empowerment platform.

This program aims to help SMEs, Startups and people with a business to enhance their skills and prepare their business for the next stage of development.

Maliyat Program

Financial Literacy program enabled by the innovation and empowerment platform.

This program is a CSR initiative that aims to equip participants with essential skills they need to better manage their finances and take prudent decisions, especially the youth and students when graduating and taking up jobs as financially independent individuals. By empowering the youth and other participants with financial skills, Maliyat will contribute to the development and progress of Oman and its citizens.

Cartier Women’s Initiative, MENA

Women Entrepreneurship competition enabled by the innovation and empowerment platform.

The Cartier Women’s Initiative is an international business program to identify, support and encourage projects by women entrepreneurs. The Cartier Women’s Initiative aims to encourage inspirational women entrepreneurs worldwide to solve contemporary global challenges.

Additional Case Studies

Many leading international corporates and governments have used our SaaS empowerment platform to develop their target segments.

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